Monday, 17 March 2014

International Food Festival

My daughter's primary school had an International Food Festival a week or so ago.  They had tried it has a fund raiser last year and it was a real success, so this year I decided to be a part of it. 

I was involved in the Indian family stall. I made two large vegetarian curries, Peas and Paneer and my dad's basmati rice.  There was also a Pea and Potato curry, a chicken curry from Fiji and a Lamb curry. And we were giving roti and samosas, on the plate as an extra.

I made my dad's rice ( recipe is on the blog, one of the first entries) and I used the Paneer recipe on my blog but also  added peas, which gave it a wonderful flavour.

It was a gorgeous evening, there was Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Iranian, Arabic, Danish, Indian and good old Kiwi. There was entertainment in forms of traditional dance, a bagpipe band, the swimming pool was open and a dessert stand and an ice cream kiosk, plus much more.  It was a great way to fund raise and everyone there had a fabulous time.

The curries were all gone, and our stand was really busy, it was a great buzz, and I will definitely get involved next year, the school raised a lot of funds and everyone had a great time!


Till next time.


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